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Users can register themselves, ask questions, and answer anyones question, approve an answer given to the asked question. Salary management is a php, mysql based project, the project demonstrates the simplest way to manage employees and assign their salaries with all the required fields in a standard salary pay slip in this. This project has been developed using php as the front end and mysql as the back end. This project is a web application which is developed in php platform. Php projects with source code, mysql free download project for. Php programming is a crucial part of web development mechanism, so make it simpler and easier with php free project download at phpgurukul. As php is an open source technology most of the company also work with php projects. Download file size free student result management system in php source 8. Free download php and mysql projects with source code. Here we are providing list of projects in php projects whith code and documentation phpis used for developing web sites, web application related projects these applications are developed in php languages. Students or institutions who are interested in getting live project on latest final semseter projects you can contact us. Php projects synopsis and project report which help the students to give the idea before starting of the project and we provide full php projects with database free download.
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